Everything you need to know before you get started. Get honest answers to your top questions about switching to ezBiz.
Our system is designed with small & medium businesses in mind. But ezBiz should work with any industry that deals with proposals, contracts or invoices.
ezBiz is currently compatible with PayPal and your local network operator for billing, with plans to add more integrations in the future.
No installation required. You can access the app through a web browser.
Yes, all you need is an internet connection to access your account.
Yes you can do accounts on ezBiz. It has a accounting modules which consists of all the core accounting functionalities a small business would need.
We have included basic CRM features in ezBiz. A high level Relationship Modules will be introduced in the near future.
Everything you need to know before you get started. Get honest answers to your top questions about switching to ezBiz.
You can make payments through credit cards.
No, our 14-day free trial does not require a credit card. At the end of the 14-day trial, you will have the option of signing up for our monthly or annual subscription plan.
Yes, there are no lock-ins or restrictions on your ezBiz account. You can change your account at any time.
Yes. But due to security concerns we strongly recommend against it. However, your ezbiz account comes with 3 user licenses. You can assign one of these accounts to that someone.
Everything you need to know before you get started. Get honest answers to your top questions about switching to ezBiz.
Click the User menu (Click on your name to go to the user menu) and click "Settings". → "User" → Click "Create User" button.
Yes, you can add new User Roles from "Settings". Click User menu (Click on your name to go to the user menu in the app) and click "Settings" → "User" → "Add User Roles".
If you require more accounts, you can get them by licensing another user account to existing business account. Each additional account costs $4 per month.
Everything you need to know before you get started. Get honest answers to your top questions about switching to ezBiz.
No. You buy one, you buy all. ezBiz modules are integrated with each other which means someday when you expand your business operations (like say, vertical integration), you can seamlessly engage in your new operations without wasting time and money getting your new operations up to speed.
Yes, we use the latest SSL technology and back up all your documents to provide you with a private and secure service.
Yes, you can view reports such as daily sales, customer aged analysis, item movements, etc. Click "Reports" (on the Side menu) in each module to view respective reports.
You are notified on overdue invoices, items that reached re-order levels, etc. The new notifications are displayed with the number of notifications on the top right hand corner panel (the bell icon).
You can edit the "User Role" and assign it to the relevant user. To edit the features in the User Role, go to "Settings" → Click "User" in the Side manu. → Click "Edit User Role" → click on the relevant User Role → tick on/off the relevant check box(s) → Click "Save" button next to the User Role.
Locations can be your inventory locations, sales front offices, sales outlets, etc. Any location you need to track separately.
Yes, you can add / edit locations. Click "Settings" → "Locations"
Yes, you can customize templates for your invoices, Quotations, Sales Orders, Payment receipts, etc.
Yes, you can use taxes in your transactions. Also you can use Simple taxes and Compound taxes where necessary.
Yes, you can define simple taxes and compound taxes. Further you can assign the taxes to items you need.